Psalms 8- Part 3 by BRO. KENNETH ILENRE
Ps. 8:3
In part two of this series on Psalms 8 we saw how God preferred to operate through “babies”, the weak the foolish and the despised in order to surprise his enemy, the devil. We saw how those who think they are strong, wise and independent of God will fail but those who fall back on God in their weakness and helplessness will obtain strength and hope. God is the help of the helpless and those who know Him always praise Him. Now, we move on to the third part of the series as we go on to Psalms 8:3.
1. If you wish to see the glory of God, just look up at the heavens. If you want to visit the showroom of the Almighty, just consider the firmament. His works are so glorious and honourable that Solomon in all his spendour falls short of the glory of ordinary grass. But only those who know the values of the works of God appreciate them and to such meditating on the works of God is sweet. Have you ever considered the fact that as high as the stars are, God is higher still? Psalms 19:1, Psalms 19:1, Psalms 111:2-3, Psalms 97:6, Job 37:14, Matt. 6:28-29, Psalms 104:34, Job 22:12, Psalms 102:25-26, Psalms 47:9, Psalms 57:9-11.
2. Have you meditated on the fact that the age of God is unknown that there was once upon a time when there was nothing except God? Have you tried to comprehend His creative ability? Why then do you think there is a problem of yours that he cannot solve? Do you know that his creations do not consist of visible things alone but that there are uncountable invisible things also? The wonder of it is that He just spoke and all things were made. Surely, He is a wonder working God, as even a heathen king confesses – Job 36:22-29, Psalms 102:27, Proverbs 10:27, Proverbs 8:23-27, Romans 1:20, Psalms 33:6, Psalms 77:11-16, Genesis 1:1, 3,6,9, 11, Daniel 4:1-3.
3. What He can do with a single finger of His, all the world scientists can never do. With a single finger. He overpowers Satan, binds him and casts out demons. He controls the movements of the sun, moon and stars and He can make them obey you if you know how to please Him. Exodus 8:16-19, Exodus 31:18, Luke 11:20-22, Daniel 5:5, Psalms 104:19, Joshua 10:12-13, Ps.18:7-9.
4. The heavens and all they contain are not to be worshipped by us but they are to join us in praising the Creator of us all. Now He has such a large army of His own that could praise Him continuously so that if you do not praise Him, He loses nothing by it, it is you who would lose something. Also, consider the fact that even the stars are not pure in His sight because the sight of His glory is like a devouring fire. So much so that whenever His glory descended in the olden days even the priests could not stand? Do you not therefore count it a great priviledge that a dirty worm like you can praise the one who is called Glorious in Holiness? Psalms 148:1-5, Deut. 4:19, Job 25:3-6, Exodus 24:17, I Kings 8:11.

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