Psalms 8 – Part 4 by Dcn Kunle Olowoyo- Digging Deep
Digging Deep
Topic: Psalms 8 – Part 4
Anchored by: Deacon Kunle Olowoyo
Date: Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Ps. 8:4
INTRODUCTION: In the previous studies in this series, we saw why we must praise the one whose name is excellent on all the earth. The works of His mighty hand, the stars, the moon, the sun, the firmament, the birds, fishes, animals, insects, plants, flowers, precious stones, etc, are all objects of great beauty and glory. All His creatures praise Him, why should we human beings the best of all His creations fail to praise Him continuously? Now, we wish to discover other reasons why we should magnify the Lord.
1. Man is nothing whereas if God merely touches the mountains, they begin to smoke. God is so big that heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain Him. 2 Chronicles 6:18. So He fills the heaven and the earth as well.
• He knows how much water is in the oceans and the weight of the mountains. Isaiah 40:12-7
• He knows what is in the darkness and even the secret thoughts of every man. Dan 2:22, Jer 23:24.
• His wisdom and knowledge is beyond comprehension. 1 Sam 2:3, Isaiah 40:28
Psalms 144:3-5, II Chronicles 6:18, Jeremiah 23:24, Isaiah 66:1-2, Acts 17:27, Isaiah 40:12-17, Daniel 2:22, I Corinthians 3:20, Isaiah 40:28, Job 25:6, Psalms 4:2, I Samuel 2:3, Matthew 6:8, Psalms 80:17.
2. Man is so frail, so transient that he cannot be relied upon. He is here today and gone tomorrow like a grass that withers and fades away. Isaiah 40:6-8 Whereas, not only does God live forever but He has the power to make and unmake. Yet God loves man so much that He calls himself – “The Son of Man”. Matt 8:20. Even though He is so high, yet He humble Himself to the level of man, reaching down to help even those on the dunghill. Psalm 138:6
Psalms 146:3-4, Isaiah 40:6-8, Isaiah 51:12-15, Psalms 90:5-6, Psalms 103:15-16, Isaiah 51:12, I Peter 1:24, Psalms 78:39, Matthew 8:20, Psalms 113:4-6, Psalms 138:6.
3. God magnifies the dust of the earth called man to such an extent that He wants to visit man daily. Not only does He come to visit but He does not come empty handed either. Job 7:17-18 The first present in His hand is Salvation. Psalm 106:4 Other presents include: children for barren, Gen 21:1-3 deliverance from slavery to sin and Satan, comfort to the afflicted, answers to prayers, etc. How else can we repay this Great visitor for all His kindness except to praise Him continually?
Job 7:17-18, Psalms 106:4, Genesis 21:1-3, Exodus 4:31, Luke 1:68, Luke 19:44, I Peter 2:12, Psalms 116:12-13.

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