Psalms 8 (Part 2)- DIGGING DEEP March 23, 2021
Psalms 8:2
"Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings, hast thou ordained strength because of thy enemies, that thou mightiest still the enemy and the avenger."
In the first part of this series on Psalm 8 we began to learn about our God whose name is just excellent. We learned of His great might, strength, love, loving-kindness, mercy, grace, miracles, compassion, majesty, glory, etc. No wonder they praise Him ceaselessly in Heaven. Hence we must praise Him unceasingly on earth also. We now go on to the second verse in order to discover more about Him whose name is excellent.
1. God prefers to deal with "babies" than with the so-called "adults".
He always reveals deep mysteries to babies not to the academic Giants: Matt 11:25.
Who are Babes? Babes mean a simple-minded person"
Those that put their whole trust in God as their father.
Those that believe every word of God with a simple heart.
For example, praise is the greatest weapon in the hand of any Christian and it is babies who know how to use this weapon most. God's strategy of war consists simply of choosing the despised and the weak to launch a surprise attack on His enemies. Matt 21:16, Luke 10:21, it is only little children that still stay in their parent house: Psalms 84:4-7, 1Cor 1:27-28, 2Chr 20:22, 31:2.
2. True, Strength, unfailing strength, ever-increasing strength comes from the Lord, and only those who praise Him constantly have it. Psalm 62:11, Isaiah 40:28-31.
Those who think they are strong will fall, 1 Sam 2:4, Psalm 33:16, but those who fall back on the Lord in their weakness shall exchange their weakness for the strength of the Lord. Amos 5:5-9, 2Cor. 12:9-10, Our God always turns defeat into victory, death into life, darkness into light, the defeated into a victor. Human extremely in weakness is God's opportunity to demonstrate His own might and strength. Psalms 4:4, 46:10, 2Sam 22:33, Psalms 28:8, Psalms 73:26, Exodus 11:7.
3. When God decides to help you, He has ways you cannot dream of. Eph 3:20
He has the ability to immobilize your enemies till He has fully established you. A good example is the testimony of Rehab, the harlot. Joshua 2:9-11, Exodus 15:15-17. You must remember that you cannot win the battle against Satan on your own strength anyway. However, your enemies cannot win against God either. And God will help you because He loves to help the poor and the helpless. Deut. 26:19, Psalms 78:52.
4. An excellent example that our God is the help of the helpless is the true story of Sennacherib versus Hezekiah. Isaiah 37:20-29, 37:33-38.
That same God is here with us and will subdue our enemies. Therefore, let us show our complete trust in Him by shouting in triumph in defiance of our enemies and in praise of our God whose name is just excellent. Hab 2:20, Psalms 46:7, 44:5-8, 46:1-3, 47:1-3

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