Psalms 8-Part 1 by Pastor Joshua
Topic: Psalms 8 – Part 1
Text: Ps. 8:1
INTRODUCTION: Psalms 8 talk about the Lord our God whose name is just excellent. Lord who is more to be honoured and adored than any other god in the whole world. Who is this Lord? How much of Him do you know? Why must He be praised, adored, magnified, exalted and glorified? These and other questions will be answered as we study Psalms 8 in detail.
1. To be able to praise the Lord Jesus Christ, as you ought, you must make him yours personally, endeavour to know Him intimately. As you become aware of His power, glory, loving kindness, greatness, mighty acts, majesty, goodness, the compassion you cannot but praise Him particularly when you recollect how shamefully Satan your former master had treated you – Psalms 63:1-3, Psalms 145:1-9, Matthew 22:45, Phil.2:11, Phil.3:8.
2. Why will we not praise Him when they are doing so in heaven? Why won’t we praise Him whose name endureth forever? Why won’t we praise Him whose name brings untold blessings to anyone who cares call on Him? He cares for the poor, the needy and the barren. No one is too low for His attention even though He alone is the wonder-working God. Revelation 19:5-6, Psalms 72:17-19, Ps. 113:2-9, 148:4-13, Exodus 15:11.
3. With all His powers, He is still merciful, gracious, patient and forgiving, His mercy and faithfulness are as high as the heavens, His righteousness as great mountains, his loving kindness just excellent, His pleasure as a river and His life like a fountain. So that He abundantly cares for the fatherless, supports the widows, fellowship with the lonely and releases the prisoners of sin and Satan – Exodus 34:5-7, Psalms 36:5-9, 57:10-11, 68:4-6, 108:4-5.
4. Do you ever wonder that such a mighty God can listen to prayers and petitions from ants like us? And not only listen, but bother to answer too. No wonder he has a name above every name, He lives forever, unchangeable, able to save His own to the uttermost, absolutely holy and yet harmless, higher than the heavens and yet so humble. O Lord our God, how excellent is Thy Name. I Kings 8:27, Habakkuk 3:3-4, Ephesians 4:10, Philippians 2:6-10, Hebrews 7:24-25, 26.

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