1st Thanksgiving Ministration By Zonal Pastor Joshua Olaleye on 6th Jan, 2013 " The King's Offering"
Topic: The King's Offering
Ref: Psalm 50:7-15
Host Minister:
Pastor Joshua Olaleye
Date: Sunday, 6th Jan, 2013
What is Thanksgiving
Looking beyond self interest to express gratitude before oneself.
It is an offer with no expectation of return.
It is an expression of one's appreciation to God
It is a passport to the kings presence 2 Chron5:13
It is speaking out loud concerning the praise worthiness of God. Mark 5:18-20
Making a statement of greatness and exhortation of the King. Mark 5:20
It is being committed to the one who has favoured you. You obey Him in totality when you
If you are committed and appreciative to Him, he becomes your last bus stop
Why Should We Give Thanks
1. He deserves it. Psalm 136:1
2. He desires it. Psalm 50:14
3. He demands it Psalm 95:2
4. There are wonders in giving thanks to God. Matt 15:34-39, John 11:35
5. God will enlarge your mouth
How Can We Give Thanks
1. God will only accept what He expects. Romans 12:1
2. Work on your personality
3. Offer Him your best
4. Come to Him in humility Malachi 3:3b-4
Offer everything in righteousness
Father, let my personality be acceptable unto you.
If your personality is acceptable your presentation would be acceptable
1st Thanksgiving Ministration By Zonal Pastor Joshua Olaleye on 6th Jan, 2013 " The King's Offering"
Reviewed by RCCG Strongtower
Sunday, January 06, 2013
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