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Today's Ministration With Pastor Joshua Olaleye: The Presence Of God (The Factor)

Topic: The Presence "Factor"
Ref:  Exo. 33:13-17

Host Minister:
Pastor Joshua Olaleye

Joshua Olaleye: Zonal/Area Pastor


God is taking you out to where you belong. You cannot beat the people of the world in their world. Luke 16:8, 1 Thess. 5:5, John 15:19, Joshua 1:8
The only thing that can differentiate you from un believers is the presence of God. Judges 16:20

Life Of People That Experienced Good Success
1. Joseph. Genesis 39:2-3
2. Moses was a Wonder
3. Joshua was a Victor:  Joshua 1:1-end
4. Samuel. Sam. 3:16
5. David.
6. Jesus was a Carrier of God's Presence Act 10:38

The Principle Of Positive Thinking
The distinguishing factor in the life of a believer is the presence of God. 1 Samuel 4:1-11
To enjoy the presence of God;
1. Your life must be pleasing to God. When God dwells with you things will be different Exo. 33:13
2. Seek the direction of God
3. You must know and work in the ways of God
4. Be a carrier of God's presence

Act 1:8
The presence of God is here to annoint us even as we go into the new year
Today's Ministration With Pastor Joshua Olaleye: The Presence Of God (The Factor) Reviewed by RCCG Strongtower on Sunday, December 30, 2012 Rating: 5

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