WE NEED A REVIVAL PART by Pastor Joshua Olaleye- Digging Deep
Digging Deep
Date: Tuesday, 30/08/2022
Peacher: Pastor Joshua Olaleye
Introductory Text: Psalms 1:3
In the first part of the series, we listed the conditions in a Christian that would show him that he/she needs a revival. In the second part of the series, we described what a true revival is. We said that a revival among other things is a time of collective seeking of the Lord in humility and repentance, a time of rejection of sins and idols, a time of revivals of prayer meetings and the restoration to the joy of salvation. Today, we
want to see another aspect of a true spiritual revival.
1. A true spiritual revival is a time of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Once a community has cleansed itself from idols and sins, the Holy Spirit moves in -Isaiah 32:14-16, Micah 3:8, Joel 2:23, Acts 2:1-4, Acts 6:8.
2. The Holy Spirit moves in as showers of early and latter rain, refreshing and in good measure -Joel 2:23, James 5:7-8, Acts 3:19, Luke 24:49
3. The power of the Holy Spirit is imparted to the revived Christian then overflow to the needy human as streams into the desert land Isaiah 35:1- 10, Luke 6:19, John 7:38-39.
4. As a result of mighty demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit, many sinners begins to flock in to the fold of God - I Cor.2:4, Ps. 80:7, Acts 2:41, Acts 9:35, Acts 11:21.
John 16:8-11
CONCLUSION: Do you now see why we surely need a revival? Let us pray that the Lord may revive us so that we can be filled to overflowing with the power of the Mighty Holy Spirit, Psalms 23:5.

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