BE NOT A FOOL By Bro Tope Atobatele- Digging Deep
Digging Deep
Date: Tuesday, 26/07/2022
Peacher: Bro Tope Atobatele
Introductory Text: Proverbs 14:8
Foolishness is the exact opposite of wisdom. It is deadly and destructive to be known to be a fool. Foolishness is a killer and a destroyer. You can know a fool in talks, action, thought etc. As children of the Most High God, we must not be classified as fools for whatever reason. In this teaching today, we shall look at the characteristics of fools.
1. Fools deny the existence of God. Whenever you see a man who denies the existence of God in word or action he is no other person but a fool. It is only a fool that will claim to be independent of God. Psalm 14:1; 53:1, Luke 12:16-21.
2. Fools mock at sins. Fools do not mind the consequences of sins hence, they commit sin at random. Fools lack the fear of God too. Pro.14:9; 10:23; 15:21.9.
3. Fools despise instruction. A fool will not take as important any instruction given to him. He does not regard instruction for any reason. Give a fool a manual to read he would despise the instructions therein. Pro.15:5, 31-32; 13:18.
4. Fools are contentious. When you see a fool fighting or contentious, it is normal. Fools can fight anytime and anywhere on trivial matters. Pro.18:6-7; 12:13; EccI. 12:13.
5. Fools have self confidence. A fool assumes he knows it all and is better than any other person. A fool thinks others are inferior to him. Pro.28:26; EccI. 7:9; Pro.3:5; Jer.9:23.
6. Fools are dishonest. It is not a virtue for fools to be honest. When you see a dishonest man at any level of life, then you have seen a fool. Jer.17:11; Psa. 55:23.
7. Fools are hypocritical in nature. A fool is saying one thing and doing another thing. A fool lives a dual life. A fool pretends to be what he is not. Luke 11:39-40, Rom.1 :22; Eph. 5:15.
8. Fools reveal their folly. When fools speak, it is easy to know them. Fools do not keep secret. They expose their plans before they begin anything. Fools talk more than act. Pro. 12:23; 15:2; 18:2; Eccl. 5:3; Eccl. 10:3
Just as the book of Jeremiah 9:23-24 shows that only a fool boast about his/her riches, wisdom, might and self. A child of God will only boast that he/she understandeth and knoweth God, this is wisdom.

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