Text: Mark 16:15-18; Romans 1:16
Personal evangelism is the act of a person sharing the gospel with another. It is the responsibility of every believer; it is very effective.
Step 1: How to Start a Conversation
a.) It is important to get the person's ATTENTION. John 4:7. In His encounter with the woman of Samaria, Jesus didn't begin with a sermon, but rather with an everyday need: water. The water was the point of contact with the woman. Start your conversation with a simple "Hello"; smile and be friendly. Ask a good question: " How are you doing?" Do an act of kindness.
b.) Awaken the person's INTEREST. John 4:10. The Samaritan woman was completely surprised, and Jesus was making her curious. Ask certain questions like: What is the best thing that ever happened to you? Where would you be if you were to die today? Do you need a miracle? May I pray for you?
c.) DESIRE. Find out what the person you are talking to really needs and include that in your conversation. John 4:16-18. Jesus addresses a central issue in this woman's life, and she is deeply touched. Perhaps the person you are talking with has no peace with God, no assurance of eternal life, or just feels guilty before God. Or the person has a problem, is sick, or has financial troubles. God is still able to heal and deliver people. However, the biggest need everyone has is eternal separation from God.
Your personal STORY is very important, too! Tell how you experienced God and how Jesus has changed your life. Be honest and don't exaggerate. You can share your story in three main points:
i.) What did your life look like without Jesus?
ii.) How did you get to know Jesus?
iii.) What changed in your life?
You could also share how you found a purpose for your life, received peace, or how God healed you.
Step 2: How to share the Gospel
a.) God's Plan: It was God's plan from the beginning to be friends with mankind. In the beginning, everything in the world was created perfect - no wars, no injustice, no sickness. Genesis 1:31.
b.) The Problem. Mankind decided to go his own way and turned away from God. Instead of being able to live in peace and harmony with one another, lies, hate, jealousy, sickness and war are everywhere. Because of guilt, mankind has been separated from God. Romans 3:10.
c.) God's Love. God is just and therefore cannot simply ignore our guilt. Because God loves us so much, He came up with a perfect plan for redeeming everyone, which means you also can be brought back into relationship with Him. Jesus took the punishment for our guilt upon Himself. He is alive today, and through Him, the way to God has been reopened. John 3:16.
Step 3: How to Lead a Person to Christ
There is only one way to come to God: We have to turn to Jesus and step away from a selfish life in which we lived simply for ourselves. Romans 10:9.
You now have the privilege of leading the person to Christ. Ask him the decisive question, "Would you like to get to know Jesus personally?" Now pray a simple prayer and ask the person to pray along with you with all his heart and ask Jesus into his life. Pause after each sentence to allow the person to repeat it.
Prayer: "Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God. I believe that you died for my sins. Please forgive me of my sins and come into my life. I believe that you rose again from the dead and are alive today. I receive you as my Lord and Saviour. I will follow you for the rest of my life. Amen."
Conclusively, explain the three most important aspects of the Christian life:
1. Prayer: Talking with God and building a relationship with Jesus.
2. Bible: Reading God's Word in order to understand His will, His character and His plan.
3. Fellowship: Finding a church or fellowship close-by.

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