CURSES AND BLESSINGS (Part 3) by Pastor Joshua Olaleye
In the first two parts of this series, we have learnt about the sources and causes of curses. We have examined 3 notable curses in details and have learnt about certain curses that work instantly. We concluded the second part by listing those people we are forbidden to curse. These include God, our parents, rulers and those who curse us. Now, we wish to continue on the study by examining the sources and causes of blessings and those who qualify for Divine blessings.
There are only three main sources of true blessings: God, His representatives, and those with positional authority. The devil and his disciples do not give true blessings; their types of blessing always have sorrow mixed with it. Genesis 24:35, Gen 14:18-19, Gen 25:24-29, Prov. 10:22, Ps. 3:8.
The first blessing that God pronounced on man is five-fold: (i) be fruitful, (ii) multiply (iii) fill the earth (iv) subdue the earth i.e. be victorious always and (v) have dominion over all living things, including demons and all foul spirits. Gen. 1:28.
Till today, if you serve God, seek first His kingdom and its righteousness, pay your tithes to Him, study His word and apply them to your life, God will bless you mightily. Exod. 23:25, Matt. 6:33, Malachi 3:10, Joshua 1:8.
In the old testament times, the priest, as a representative of God is to pronounce a six-fold blessing on the congregation: (i) The Lord bless you, (ii) the Lord keep you (iii) the Lord make His face to shine upon you (iv) the Lord be gracious unto you (v) the Lord lift up His countenance upon you i.e. the Lord look with favour upon you and (iv) the Lord give you peace. Num. 6:23-26.
Some of the Apostolic blessings on those who remain steadfast are: (i) May God make you perfect (ii) may He establish you (iii) may He strengthen you (iv) may He settle you (v) may He give you victory over Satan (vi) may He give you peace and grace and (vii) may God love you and fellowship with you. Deut. 23:5, Luke 1:28, 1 Pet. 5:8-10, Rom. 16:19-20, II Cor. 13:14.
The following are the causes of blessings i.e. the conditions to be satisfied in order to obtain blessings from God. (i) obedience to God (ii) keeping His covenant (iii) fearing Him (iv) keeping His commandment always John 14:15 (v) walking in His ways (vi) being a doer of the word and not hearers only (vii) having clean hands and a pure heart (viii) giving to the Lord and (ix) make God welcome in your home.
Exodus 19:5, Deut. 4:30, Deut. 5:29, I Kings 3:14, Rev. 22:14, Job 36:11, Zechariah 3:7, James. 1:1-25, Psalms 24:4-5, I Samuel 2:20-21, II Samuel 6:11.

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