The Power of God by Dcn Kunle Olowoyo-Digging Deep
Text: Psalm 62:11
Many men claim that they have power, but they are lying. Some men claim that the Government is the one in power, but that is a mistake. Some declared that Satan has power but that is untrue. There is one and only one person who has power, and that person is God Almighty, Ps.62:11.
1) TRUE POWER BELONGS TO GOD ONLY: True power, all powers without exception, belongs to God only, because He is supremely powerful. God does exactly as He pleases: no one can challenge Him or forbid Him. He can deliver from any captor but no one can deliver from Him, He can use His power to help or to hinder, to make rich and honourable. Matt.6:13, Matt.28:18, Ps.115:3, Ps.135:6, Dan.3:17, Isa.43:13, II Chronicle 25:8, I Chroni.29:12.
2) GOD CAN DO ANYTHING: God has enough power to do anything: nothing, absolutely nothing is impossible for Him. What men cannot attempt, God can do easily. Because He controls all flesh, He can cause even an old woman to conceive and deliver. Because He made the earth and the heavens out of nothing, he can produce children from stones. He is able to do more than we dare ask for. Luke 1:37, Job 42:2, Matt.19:26, Gen. 18:13-14, Jere.32:17 ,27, Luke 3:8, Eph. 3:20.
3) SATAN HAS NO POWER, BUT HE IS A JUDO EXPERT: Satan has no power but he is extremely cunning. What he does is simply to put his victim into opposition with the all-powerful God. That is how he got the children of Israel into trouble in the wilderness. That is how he destroyed Samson. That is how he nearly ruined David. But in Jesus Name, he will not be able to ruin us since we are not unaware of his tricks. James 1:13-15, Number 22:15-18, Num.23:7-11, Num.20:23-26, Numbers 24:8-10, 15-19, Numbers 25:1-5, 9, Judges16:6, 19:21, II Sam.12:7-13, II Cor. 2:10-11, Eph.6:11.
4) GOD CAN KEEP ANY WILLING CHRISTIAN FROM FALLING: The word of God gives us the assurance that God has enough power to establish us in the gospel and to lead us all the way home. He is able to keep us from falling and can save to the uttermost. Also, because He has all the powers and the enemy has none, any obedient son to God is sure of final victory any day. Rom.16:25-27, Jude vs 24, Heb.7:25, Luke 10:19, Ps. 91:1,7, 13-16.
5) THE POWER OF GOD CAN TRANSFORM ANY MAN TO A GIANT-KILLER: The only way a man can have a share in the power of God is through the Spirit of God. Through this power of the Holy Spirit, a Christian can perform wonders for God. Examples abound in the Bible of men like Samson, Elijah, Elisha, Peter, Stephen, and Paul etc. And since God is no respecter of persons, and He changes not, what He has done for others, He can do for us too. And He will if we so desire. Micah 3:8, Acts 1:8, Zech.4:6, Rom.15:18-19, Judges 14:5-6, 19, Jud..15:14-15, I Kings 18:46, II Kings 2:9-12, Acts 5:12-16.

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