Divine Guidance – Part 1 by BRO. KENNETH ILENRE
DIGGING DEEP (January 19, 2021)
Topic: Divine Guidance – Part 1
In the world today, fake prophets, astrologers, palm-readers, babalawos and other occultists are doing brisk business because men and women are consulting them for guidance. The future looks so uncertain, men’s hearts are failing them for fear, the economic situation seems hopeless and men and women do not know what will happen next. Must a child of God join the queue of sign seekers? Will God guide His own? How far will God lead us? When can we turn to God for guidance? These and other questions will be answered in this study in Jesus Name.
1. God has guided His own before even in a trackless wilderness – Exodus 13:21, Nehemiah 9:19-20, Psalms 77:20. He has not changed since then because He is an unchangeable God. So we can expect Him to guide us yet again – Hebrew 13:8, Matt.2:1-11, Job 22:27, Ps. 23:2-3, Psalms 139:10, John 8:12, Acts 9:6.
2. He will not only guide us in physical matters, He will guide us in Spiritual matters also – Ps. 25:9, Matt.13:36, Luke 1:79, Luke 18:18, Luke 11:1, John 14:26, John 16:13. He will not guide us for a short period, like the short-sighted seers, but He will guide us forever –
I Cor. 12:9, Isa 30:21, Ps. 48:14, Ps. 73:23-24. Surely, He will guide us by His Spirit, even as a Father guides his son – Romans 8:14, until we reach home at last

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