Principles of sowing and reaping by Pastor Joshua
Rabbi service
Minister: Pastor Joshua Olaleye
Text: Galatians 6:7-10
Topic: Principles of sowing and reaping
One of the guiding laws and principle of life is sowing and reaping Genesis 8:22 .
A good understanding of this law goes a long way and helps grow in life.
It also goes a long way to shape our future and life even of your children
Whatsover you sow today, you will definitely reap.
Everything about God is sowing and reaping . That's why he sowed his only begotten son.
Matthew 13 talks about the parable of the sower
Facts about sowing and reaping:
1. Whatsoever you do or refuse to do is a seed to produce harvest . If you mess up with your life you will definitely reap it . Even if you don't sow the enemy will sow.
2. You must be delibrate in your sowing to have a break determined harvest.
3. Whatsoever you sow is what you will reap . You sow good you reap good, you sow bad and you reap bad.
4. Where you sow is where you will reap . When you sow in the spirit you reap in the spirit.
5. How you sow is how you reap. 2 Corinthians 9:6 , Psalm 126
6. Quantity and quality of the seed you sow is what you will get in return appropriately. Genesis 26, proverbs 22:8. Mind the seed that you sow
7. If you don't sow quality seed , you will miss quality harvest. Don't dodge sowing. psalm 126:5
8. You reap in a different season than you sow.
9. You reap the full harvest only if you are patient enough. Galatians 6:9
10. You must sow in the right soul to reap any harvest.
11. You must sow at the right time to harvest at the right time.
12. There are seed sowing and harvesting.
13. The seed you sow leaves your hand but can't leave your life.
Always sow a seed.
The only way to change your harvest is to change your seed.
Pre determined harvest .. God can determine some kind of harvest .
Don't be tired of sowing .
God is the supplier of the seed.
You can sow a good seed and yet not have a good harvest. If God doesn't bless the seed it won't come out well.
The harvest is always in the seed and the seed is in the harvest .
Principles of sowing and reaping by Pastor Joshua
Reviewed by RCCG Strongtower
Sunday, November 25, 2018

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