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Digging Deep

Divine Visitation by Pastor E.A Adeboye (General Overseer)

Minster: Pastor E.A Adeboye
Topic:Divine Visitation
Text: 1 Samuel 6:11-12

Thanksgiving Service

Note: there's a difference between a house and a home

A house can just be a place to stay and sleep, but a home is a place of joy and peace.

What turns a house to a home?

A house is a place where you can go and leave again.
A home is where you go and you relax and enjoy and have a wonderful time...

Things that transforms a house to a home...

1. Contentment: 1 Tim. 6:6, Hew.13:5, Eccl. 5:10. Phil. 4:19

2. Peace: Prover 17:1, Mark 4:24-31. Prince of Peace.

3. Security: Psalm 91:1, 24:7-10. Phil. 2:9-11. If God lives in your home then you are sure of security. You will sleep in peace. Psa. 121:1-8

4. Joy: Psalm 16:11, Phil. 4:4. When God is living in your home, you will have joy.

What Must You Do To Make Your House become A Home?
RCCG Strongtower
Prepare an Altar for him in your home.

Let God dwell where you live. Psalm 67:1-7.

When You praise God constantly , he will bless you constantly.

Divine Visitation by Pastor E.A Adeboye (General Overseer) Reviewed by RCCG Strongtower on Sunday, November 04, 2018 Rating: 5

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