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Digging Deep

Understanding needs in Family Relationship Part 2 by Mrs Olaleye

Preacher: Pastor Mrs Josephine Olaleye
Question from part 1 last month:
Question 1: I am not from the same tribe as my wife, but my mother in-law wants respect from me even though we disrespect each other . What should I do?

Answers from the congregation:
1. Understand the problem
2. Understand the kind of respect to be given to each other. They should sit together and talk things out.
Ephesians 5:31, Ephesians 6: 1

Respect is a serious thing. For a man Respect means his position is respected and given what is due to him, as the head of the family.

Question 2: Most times it is not difficult to respect a man. But what if the man does not acknowledge her?

Answers from the congregation
1. The lady should learn to understand him well, in presentation , attitude , and appearance.
2. The man's background as well as the lady's background needs to be revisited. From where it started, how it started and how it is going to be settled.

Women needs emotional security, that is how a man respects his wife. Treating her in a way people will learn to reciprocate.

In conclusion, respect is reciprocal. Both parties should come together and let each other know what they want.
Understanding needs in Family Relationship Part 2 by Mrs Olaleye Reviewed by RCCG Strongtower on Thursday, February 22, 2018 Rating: 5

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