Digging deep
Pst Joshua Olaleye
Text: exodus 15:22-27
The journey of the children of Israel to the promised land took them to so many places and these brought different experiences to them. One of such is the marsh experience. In our study in the next few weeks, we want to consider what their experience were in marah and how it relates to our journey in life. I encourage you, ensure you Dont miss any of the studies as the holy spirit will minister to you.
1. After a victory, get ready for another battle.
The children of Israel had just celebrated their victory of freedom from the land of bondage, they gave praises to the almighty God for destroying their enemies in the red sea and shortly after this they got to marsh. Life is a battle and even after each time you record a victory, you must be battle ready. You have an enemy who is never tired and one of the times he wants to attack is immediately after victory . ex15:22-27, ex15:1-20, job 3:26, job 5:7, job 14:1, 1sam 18:6-9
2. Where is your Moses?
God instructed moses to lead his children out of Egypt . a sheep without a shepherd will go astray, you need moses to guide and guard you. We have a moses that will not die, you can be sure he is always there. He will teach, empower you for service, cause you to work in his statues and teach you to pray. Numb 27:17, zech 10:2, ex 13:21, PS 32:8, lk 12:12, ezk 36:27, rom 8:26.
Reviewed by RCCG Strongtower
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
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