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What God says about separation and Divorce

Speaker Mrs Olaleye

Topic: Domestic Violence Part II ( SEPERATION AND DIVORCES)

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Date: 19 June 2016

Question from previous family service

How can you manage someone who sees you as a threat?
Ans: Communicate with the individual and let them understand that you're no a threat.
What is the church's stand on separation of couples?

Math 19 vs 3-10
Separation: it can be defined as a decision to be apart from each other but still married.
Divorce: the lawful termination of the marriage.

Both words should never be used interchangeably because they mean different things.

Amos 3 vs 3
1)Marriage was God idea Gen 2 vs 18

It is an instrument that he created

2) God respects the instruction of marriage so much that the relationship of the church is compared to marriage Eph 5 vs 25-29, rev 19 vs 9

3) God created marriage for better for worse Gen 2 vs 24, matt 19 vs5-9

4) Where a partner decides to leave after unsettled issues and the other partner refuses to leave 1 cor 7 vs 1-end
5)Being married to an unbeliever is not a reason to divorce, but when your life is in danger, you can leave.
6) Divorce is not God’s original plan but for the hardness or wickedness of human heart

Questions arising: can separated or divorce individuals make heaven?

Ans: Eph 4 vs 31Yes. In accordance with the scripture Jesus said

2) We know some Christians and pastors who have left and are separated from their wives , what is their fate? 
Ans: Matt 19 vs 10-12

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What God says about separation and Divorce Reviewed by RCCG Strongtower on Wednesday, June 22, 2016 Rating: 5

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