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Digging Deep

Rekindle The Spark In Your Marriage

Most Saturdays we hear the familiar word “ I DO”, “ FOR BETTER FOR WORST”, “YOU MAY NOW KISS THE BRIDE” I PRONOUNCE YOU HUSBAND AND WIFE”, without these couples weighing the responsibility that goes with those simple words they say.

Real love is wonderful; it can put stars in your eyes and cause you to float in the clouds. To make it last a life time requires lots of patience, tolerance and making the right choices. The fruit of the Holy Spirit Galatians 5:22-23 comes to play. Sometimes you grow weary, bored, disgust, and engulf with marital challenges
Every marriage undergoes the “WILDERNESS EXPERIENCE”, a time of difficulty, decisions, trials and temptation. Thus, the need to rekindle the spark in your marriage becomes very important. There is need to be concerned with your spouse’s well being. Simple day to day talk like, “HOW WAS WORK TODAY?”, “HOW WAS BUSINESS TODAY?” WHERE ARE YOU GOING?” matters a lot. Sharing your dreams, hopes and aspirations on a rather frequent basis is very vital. Open communication is essential. Learn to communicate always and avoid using wrong or offensive words when you are angry. Effective communications include using sweet words when addressing your spouse. “Let your speech be seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man”. (Colossians 4:6)
Just like God’s words is a healer Psalm 107:20, so are words like: “HONEY, SWEETY, THANK YOU, SORRY, YOU ARE THE BEST” etc. sweet words are like healing balm on your spouse. They can help put spark in your marriage. It might just be the tonic your spouse needs, as it sooths the  nerves, instead of wrong words like “I DON’T KNOW WHY I MARRIED YOU, YOU ARE JUST A DIRTY PERSON, STUPID, YOU WILL LEAVE THIS HOUSE” etc.

Keep the romance alive, like it was when you were courting. Make yourself look good and smell good all the time, despite a hectic day at work, business or in kitchen. Hug and appreciate one another in public and even in the presence of your children. When it comes to sex always ask yourself “what does my spouse likes or dislikes” Don’t be selfish but satisfy your spouse also. Be patient and considerate especially when your wife just puts to bed and attention is diverted. Don’t take one another for granted because over familiarity brings contempt. Spend quality time together. Sleeping in one room is not enough. Be open and frank as you discuss. Make time and go out together as a family. Create time for vacation outside your environment. By so doing you are creating closer relationships and lasting memories that add spark to your marriage.
As a youth I still cherish how my father took us out during weekends to different places. Memories my dad and mum would remember and cherish the jokes, laughter, and fun we had as a family.
In conclusion, the book of James 1:19 says “LET EVERY MAN BE SWIFT TO HEAR, SLOW TO SPEAK AND SLOW TO WRATH”. In essence when there is anger which is natural, forgiveness is needed which is divine. Unforgiveness hinders our prayers from being answered. There are rekindling powers in your words. Let Christ be the centre and third party in your marriage. See your spouse through Christ… so that the wine and spark will remain fresh and new every morning. CHEERS!!

Composed By: NINA OPUTA                                                                       

Rekindle The Spark In Your Marriage Reviewed by RCCG Strongtower on Wednesday, May 02, 2012 Rating: 5

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