God's Favourite by Pastor Joshua Olaleye - DIGGING Deep
*Digging Deep*
Date: Tuesday, 25th October, 2022
Preacher: A/P Olaleye
Topic: God's Favourite
Text: Romans 9:1
In John 3:16, the Bible says God loves the whole world so much that He sacrificed His begotten Son on their behalf. This seems to imply that God has no favourites. But the opening section of John 1:11 says that He came unto HIS OWN...Does that mean that there are some who are not His own? Is God not the Father of all? If He has some favourities, how did He choose them? How can I become one of them? These and similar questions will be answered as we continue our study of John 1:11
Some of the questions include:
Who are His own?
Who are the Israelites?
Who is Israel?
Why did God choose the Nation of Israel?
Why did God choose Abraham?
How can I become a favourite of God?
Questions 1. Does God have favorites?
No and Yes. The context makes the difference.
NO because he created the world and love the world (the people in it ) equally as His own.
His original plan Genesis 1:26 , was good and for all mankind.
Even after man was cut off from fellowship with God because of sin , he made a way for all men to be restored John 3:14-17
For God is no respecter of persons Acts 10:34, Roman 2:10-16
John 1:11
Some people were referred to as God’s people. The Jews, the Israelites.
Romans 9:13
Question 2:
How did the Israelites become God’s favourites?
Through Abraham.
Israelites are the descendants of Israel who was formerly Jacob, Son of Isaac. Son of Abraham, Gen. 32:24-48,
Romans 4:1-4 Abraham was the father of Faith. His faith was counted for him as righteousness and MADE HIM A FAVOURITE OF GOD.
The faith of Abraham was a deep inner awareness, consciousness of the existence and the person of the true God, reverence and longing for Him and to be like Him. It is unwavering acceptance of who God is and whatever He may choose to do with him (Abraham)
This kind of faith is deep and sometimes not all over the place. God must have seen it in Abraham even before Abraham met Him.
It’s depth and genuineness can however be revealed through actions (works).
Abraham’s faith was revealed through:
1. His reverence and warm reception of God Genesis 18:1-3
2. His unwavering belief in God’s promises Romans 4:17-22
3. His readiness to trust God’s decision Hebrews 11:17-19
4. His willingness to obey God even when it will cause him pain. Hebrews 11:17-19
These and more were counted for him as righteousness and qualified him to become a favorite of God through whom today’s nation of Isreal became known as God’s own Favourite nation.
Through JESUS CHRIST! 2 Corinthians 5:18
1. By adoption into God’s promise to Abraham. We became spiritual Jews.
2. And also because God on the general note is no respecter of persons or color. He created us all. Acts 10:34
3.Jesus Christ was born from the tribe of Isreal for our connection to the promise to become part of God’s Favourites.
4. 1 Peter 2:9-10 Accepting Jesus as Lord and savior by having Abraham’s kind of Faith seals our connectedness to the heritage in God.
We have the fulness of Gods blessings, grace, anointing , power etc. We just need to walk in the realization of this truth.
How can unbelievers become God’s Favourite ? Matthew 10 5-6
Accept Jesus and live in Abrahamic kind of faith.
John 3:16, Acts 3:19,20,23
If we want to become favorites of God, we must learn from Father Abraham , have his kind of faith, be peace loving, self-sacrificing, consecrated and obedient to God and His principles.
God's Favourite by Pastor Joshua Olaleye - DIGGING Deep
Reviewed by RCCG Strongtower
Saturday, October 29, 2022

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