Deuteronomy 19: 14, Proverbs 22:28
Landmarks are beacons. Beacons are used by the land surveyors to mark the extent of a particular portion/parcel of land. In law, it is a criminal offence to remove landmarks. Likewise for us Christians, there are landmarks that those who have gone before us in faith have set. They expected us not to remove them but rather improve on them. Today, however, we shall learn about some of the landmarks we need to preserve.
1. The landmark of the fear of God - Prov. 1:7, Prov. 8:13, Acts 5:1-5.
2. The landmark of love - John 3:16, John 15:13, Acts 2:1, 4:32, 1 Cor. 13:4-7.
3. The landmark of prayer - Luke 18:1, Matt. 26:39-44, Mark 14:35-39, Luke 5:16, Acts 2:42, James 5:17-18, 1 Thess. 5:17.
4. The landmark of studying the word of God - Luke 2:40-49, Acts 2:42,46, 2 Tim 2:15-16, Joshua 1:8.
5. The landmark of selfless and sacrificial giving - John 3:16, Acts 4:33-37, Luke 6:38, Gal 6:7.
6. The landmark of praise & worship - John 11:41, Psalms 119:164, Psalms 115:17, Isaiah 61:3, Psalms 50:23, Acts 16:24-26, 1 Thess. 5:18.
The Lord Jesus Christ, the apostles and prophets of old have laid for us major landmarks that can make us to be in God's presence in order to enjoy heaven on earth if we will refuse to shift those marks throughout the year.

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