Soldiers of the Cross – Part 2 by Pastor Joshua Olaleye
In the first part of this series, we saw that we are fighting against a highly organized army whose captain, Satan, has many titles like liar, murderer, serpent, lion, destroyer etc. We also learnt that with God on our side, we shall win. Infact, He said in His word that whenever our enemies are preparing for war against us, He will (i) laugh them to scorn, (ii) speak to them in anger and (iii) trouble them greatly, Ps. 2:1-5. In this second part, we want to find out why some perish in the war while others survive.
1) THE SPIRITUAL BATTLE GROUND IS IN THE MIND: The battle ground in the war against Satan begins in the thought-realm and it starts right from youth. All sins originate from the heart in form of thoughts, knowing that if God fights for a man he will always win, Satan uses the strategy of putting wicked thoughts into a man’s mind. He knows that God abhors wicked thoughts. He knows that foolish thoughts (not necessarily immoral) are sins. So he introduces into a man’s mind thoughts that are frivolous, not based on the fear of the Lord or the furtherance of the kingdom on earth. He knows that vain thoughts lead men to (i) becoming fools (ii) doing damnable things and (iii) suffering horribly as a result. Gen.8:21, Matt.15:18-22, Prov.15:26, Deut.15:9, Ps.139:2, Prov.24:9, Isa.55:6-9, Rom.1:21, I Cor.1:19, 27-29.
2) MOST OF THE CASUALITIES ARE CAUSED BY PRIDE: Satan knows that God is willing to aid those who are attacked by evil forces. He knows the stories of Pharaoh and Sennacherib very well. But he also knows that pride locks God out and opens the door to the enemy. Infact, pride turns God from being a supporter to an opposer. He also knows that human beings never learn from the experience of others as is well illustrated in the story of Bel-shazzar, son of Nebuchadnezzar, consequently, one of the greatest causes of perishing in the war is pride. Ps.18:27-30, Exod.5:2, 9:13-17, 7:11, II Kings 19:20-22, 27-28, 35-37, Ps.10:4, Isa.2:11-12,17, Ezek.17:24, Dan.4:34-37, Dan.5:22-30.
3) ABSOLUTE SUBMISSION TO CHRIST IS THE KEY TO ETERNAL SECURITY: Putting on the ability of God involves (a) putting off the ability and achievements of the flesh (b) submitting to the Directorship of God, which means (i) surrendering your heavy burden to Him (ii) putting on His easy yoke and (iii) putting on His light burden.
By humbling ourselves before God, we can be transformed into a terror to Satan. Like in all armies all over the world, the key to survival, continuous victory and eternal security is total obedience, no more no less. Phil.3:4-10, Matt.11:28-30, Acts 9:11-12, Heb.5:8-9, 1 Pet.1:2-5.

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