The Love of God by Bro Kenneth-Digging Deep
INTRODUCTION: John 3:16 has been described as the Bible within the Bible, as a summary of the entire Bible; because it talks about God, about His love, how He demonstrated His love, the consequences of receiving that love, the Son of God, eternity of God etc. It is this love of God that we intend to study in details tonight and we pray this love of God “will be shed abroad” in all hearts here tonight in Jesus Name, Amen.
1. TRUE LOVE IS ACTIVE: IT GIVES ITS BEST, ITS ALL: True love is God’s type of love and it is superior to human love. Very few men can die for their friends; no one except God can die for his enemy. We were terrible sinners, enemies of God when God sent His only begotten Son to die for us. Surely, such love demands that we should stop sinning and thus cease to be enemies of God. God, through His marvelous love has given us His best, His all. There is nothing else He cannot give us if we ask Him. Romans 5:7-8, II Cor. 5:19-21, Titus 3:3-8, I John 4:9-10, 19, Romans 8:32.
2. TRUE LOVE IS NEVER DORMANT: IT IS DEMONSTRATIVE: God demonstrated His love by giving His all; so does Abraham demonstrate his love for God by giving his all. Infact we can demonstrate our love to God by obeying Him and doing all we can to bring our fellow men also. Infact the only way we can demonstrate that we truly know God is by showing His type of love to others, since God Himself is love. Genesis 22:12, I John 2:3-5, I John 5:3, I John 3:16-17, I John 4:21, I John 4:7-8.
3. TRUE LOVE IS EVER-INCREASING, EVER-LASTING: Since God loved us so much while we were still enemies, surely He must love us much more now that we are reconciled to Him. Love is strong and indestructible. True love lasts forever, it is priceless. It is a continuous process, ever increasing, everlasting. Consequently, our hope in God has a solid foundation not only has He, through His marvelous love given us His Son, the Holy Spirit is ours also: two everlasting Anchors for our souls. Romans 5:10, Songs of Solomon 8:6-7, Hebrews 13:1, Romans 5:5.
4. TRUE LOVE IS THE FOUNDATION FOR HOLINESS: If you truly love all men, you will never sin. Love is the foundation for perfect holiness. For true love of God and man will make it impossible for you to hurt a man or disobey God. That is why Jesus demands that we love ourselves with Divine love. Without this type of love, calling ourselves Christians is mere hypocrisy. True love is first on the list of the fruit of the Holy Spirit; all other follows and grows on this foundation. You cannot even hurt your enemies if you have love. Romans 13:10, John 13:34-35, Galatians 5:22, Romans 12:9-10, I Peter 1:22, Matt. 5:44-46.
5. LOVING TRULY HAS ITS ADVANTAGES: IT PAYS TO LOVE: Harbouring true love in your heart has its advantages. Some of these are (i) You will dwell in God (ii) God will dwell in you (iii) You are not afraid of the judgment day (iv) Fear becomes a stranger to you (v) You are free from tormentors (vi) You are never alone because God will always be with you (vii) You are more than a conqueror.
I John 4:16-18, John 14:15-24, Matt. 28:19-20, Mark 16:15-20, Romans 8:37.

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