GREATER WORKS by Pastor Joshua Olaleye
Bible reading : John14vs12
As believers we are called by His grace.
Your fruitfulness can only come when u recognize your call.
1. We have been called to a relationship with God . John1:12. It takes relationship with God to become sons (mark3:14)
2. We have been called into fellowship . The Holy Spirit is looking for who to fellowship with. 1corin1:19
3. We have been called into the grace of Christ. Gal 1vs 6 ( I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me)
4. We have been called into the light of God 1pet 2:9
5. We have been called into the life of fruitfulness. John15vs16
6. We have been called to live for God . Live a life of God . Matthew 5:48 , Romans1:7.
7. We have been called to serve
8. We have been called to eternal Glory 1peter5:10 , matthew11.
Today we would be talking about the HELP MINISTRY 1corin12:28
In the vineyard we are to :
1. To equip and perfect the saints
2. In the work of the ministry, to serve ourselves . Acts 10: 28
3. To edify the body of Christ
Greater than Jesus did, we can do . John14:12
1. Reaching People that Jesus could not reach
2. Ensuring that the gospel of Christ reaches the ends of the world
3. Bringing Healing and deliverance to the People
4. Lifting up the hands of People . Exodus17:9-13
We need to rise up to our ministry as believers
⁃ you have a call over your life
What are the things you need in order to do GREATER WORKS ;
1. Prayer
2. Obedience. John 14: 15 . You need to obey the master
3. Depend on the Holy Spirit Acts1:18
4. Living in union with Christ . John14:18, 1cor10:31
Until you yield yourself to the call of the Holy Spirit you can not function in your ministry
Father, help me to fulfill my ministry in Jesus name.
GREATER WORKS by Pastor Joshua Olaleye
Reviewed by RCCG Strongtower
Sunday, September 22, 2019

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