Law of trade off
Family Service
Minister: Pst Mrs Olaleye
Topic: law of trade off
Text: Hosea 4:6
This law says you have give up to grow up .
You need to trade your comfortatimes . Hosea 4:16
John 12:23-26
This law focusis determined on how to do a trade off. What are the things you need to trade off?
For this law to work in your life something's must happen
1. It can be painful : Delayed gratification: this is one of the trade off .
2.Trade off can be opportunity for exponential growth .
3. Trade off never leaves us the same.
4. Some are never worth the price tag
5. some bring us down .
6. Some land us in trouble.
Where can we apply the law of tradeoff.
1. Financially
2. Spiritually: Matthew 16:26
3. Health andlongetivity
4. In career or personal pursuit
5. Our relationship
Decide what to train or what to trade off.
Inconclusion be comfortable for growth in the right direction . Matthew 16:24-27
Minister: Pst Mrs Olaleye
Topic: law of trade off
Text: Hosea 4:6
This law says you have give up to grow up
You need to trade your comfort
John 12:23-26
This law focus
For this law to work in your life something's must happen
1. It can be painful
3. Trade off never leaves us the same.
4. Some are never worth the price tag
5. some bring us down
6. Some land us in trouble.
Where can we apply the law of trade
1. Financially
2. Spiritually: Matthew 16:26
3. Health and
4. In career or personal pursuit
5. Our relationship
Decide what to train or what to trade off.
Law of trade off
Reviewed by RCCG Strongtower
Sunday, August 18, 2019

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