Intimacy in Relationships By Asst Pastor Josephine Olaleye
Topic: Intimacy in relationships
Text: Philippians 2:1-11
Intimacy comes from a Latin word, that means closeness . i.e vulnerable sharing of ourselves
It's about opening ourselves to our partners and children, knowing that we won't be judged .

Foundations to intimacy
It is based on:
Intimacy is not automatic, but when you invest in intimacy it works better.
Bible beliefs on intimacy
Its made of 3 parts
1. Spiritual intimacy
Prayer life, it helps to build the family . John 17:6
2. Mind & Soul intimacy . John 15-15. You know what is happening and its close
3. Physical intimacy. Knowing what your spouse need at that particular time 1corthians 7
Practical steps
1. Take assement
2. Set out time to talk to yourself
3. Identify intimacy killers like phones, social media etc
4. Invest together
5. Help each other to break old habit
6. Be thankful for the stage achieved .
Intimacy in Relationships By Asst Pastor Josephine Olaleye
Reviewed by RCCG Strongtower
Sunday, April 15, 2018

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