Receiving the treasures of/from darkness by Pastor Jide Joshua
Text: Isiah 45 Vs 1-3
Why you can receive it
God has great treasures all over the world
Delay is not denial
Is God capable? Yes, He is. He is the almighty God
He owns all things. John 1Vs 1-3
He owns all treasures
His word is forever settled Jer 12:11
His words is sharper than a two edged sword Heb 4 Vs 12
He is my father and I am His Daughter/Son. So He will provide for my needs
Receiving the treasures of/from darkness by Pastor Jide Joshua
Reviewed by RCCG Strongtower
Sunday, March 11, 2018

I couldn't agree more, but I would also like to add something else. A good church pastor is someone who understands Christianity and tries to live a life like Jesus of Nazareth. Church Pastor