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Divine Enablement by Pastor Ajiboye

Sis Lucy is  thanking God for a brand new year as regards to her birthday . 

Bro John is thanking God for safety and deliverance from Kidnappers.

Topic: Divine Enablement 
Text:  HEBREW 1:9 

The word divine means, something that comes from heaven - it is of a divine nature. It outweighs the capacity of the realms of the physical. 

Enablement means to give strength or ability to make strong.  It’s a pillar that makes a man stand irrespective of outward situations - empowerment and endowed. 

Divine enablement is the support that comes from above to make a man reach his destiny. The God we serve is a God of purpose (1John3:8). Life is a cycle of difficulties and obligations that needs enablement from heaven

Topic: Divine Enablement 
Text:  HEBREW 1:9 

The word divine means, something that comes from heaven - it is of a divine nature. It outweighs the capacity of the realms of the physical. 

Enablement means to give strength or ability to make strong.  It’s a pillar that makes a man stand irrespective of outward situations - empowerment and endowed. 

Divine enablement is the support that comes from above to make a man reach his destiny. The God we serve is a God of purpose (1John3:8). Life is a cycle of difficulties and obligations that needs enablement from heaven.

Why God Enables Us 
  1. To strive and conquer every battle of life - we must stay persistent in the course of life (Exo15:3).
  2. To conquer every opposition against mankind - there are spirit and powers that contends with the entrance of Gods word in different territories. 
  3. To fight Difficulties - there are issues that physical position or materials cannot solve. 
  4. To Argue your case before God (Isaiah38:1-8). God is the supreme head of the parliamentary council of heaven (Isaiah42:21). Rules are changed, when we are enabled to argue our case. 
  5. To maintain the stand

How God Enables A Man 
  1. By the Holy Ghost (Acts1:8, 10:38).
  2. By the word (Gen1:1-3) God sends his word for enablement - there is power and strength, as it navigates a man through the course of life. The word of God is mans divine manual to function effectively in life.
In conclusion it is imperative we have faith in God - because without faith, we cannot be enabled of God. Faith and Obedience is what constructs Gods enablement in our lives. We must also love a righteous life, as salvation is the core of Gods platform to enable a man. 

  1. God let my glory be revealed this month
  2. God let me be 10 times better than my colleagues 
  3. Lord in  this month, I will enter into my breakthrough and miracles. 

Divine Enablement by Pastor Ajiboye Reviewed by RCCG Strongtower on Sunday, October 08, 2017 Rating: 5

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