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The route to restoration by Pastor Agunbiade

Rabbi Sunday service
Helps weekend

The way to complete restoration

Text: Esp 2 vs 6, Colossians 1vs 13
God has delivered us from the power of darkness.
Restoration is an act of restoring something to its proper place. To fulfill a purpose by God. Restoration is taking it to what it should be.
2sam 9: 1-7, gen 1 vs 28.

We are to be fruitful, multiply, lend and help.

Your restoration right is based on 3 factors:
1) Abrahamic convenant. Galatians 8:39, Genesis 12:3
2) Redemption right. John 10:10
3) God's end time prophetic agenda. Joel 2:25-26.
Complete restoration is when you know you have fallen but you want to go back, by defeating the devil.
There is a route to complete restoration:
1) surrender to Jesus
2) you rebuke the devil
After restoration
3) You need to remain hot. Luke 11- 25:26, Colossians 1:10
4) Help people
5) Be fruitful
6) Increase in the knowledge of God
Exodus 23:25-27
Restoration will be complete when you are serving God.
The route to complete restoration is to be hot and serve God .
Restoration is going back to what it should be , God is the restorer.
Ezekiel 36vs 25:30

In conclusion for complete restoration you have to be hot for God.

Prayer Point

The route to restoration by Pastor Agunbiade Reviewed by RCCG Strongtower on Sunday, September 24, 2017 Rating: 5

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