Love for a life time by Pastor Joshua
Thanksgiving Sunday
Pst Olaleye
Topic: Love for a life time
Text:Jeremiah 31 vs 3
Marriage is for a long time, its a great blessing from God. Marriage is meant to be a breeding place for upcoming generation.
Love is a deep expression of care and commitment 1st John 4.
Life time is a duration of one life... Love should be life time
Marriage is a covenant between one man and one woman, created in God's image: Hebrew 13 vs 4. Marriage is an intimate union.
Once you break a marriage, you break life .
The purpose of marriage is to reveal the relationship between God the father, Son and Holy Spirit.
*Reasons For Marriage
1) Companionship.
2) Procreation of Godly children.
3) To avoid unwanted sex.
One of the major problem of marriage is the foundation. Another is disobedience. Another is based on pity.
Marry because of love.
*Things to do for a successful marriage.
1) A Christ centred home with Christ centred life.
2) Marriage is hard-work, God needs to be at the centre of your marriage .
Even the scripture told us all about marriage, Patents Patience, love and sex.
When you are far from God, you are far from your destiny.
Your home should be where the king of the universe abide.
3) Committed love, every relationship has ups and downs. But be committed.
The storm will come but you have to be strong and committed.
4) Patience
In conclusion; are you ready for the last marriage.. God awaits you.
Pst Olaleye
Topic: Love for a life time
Text:Jeremiah 31 vs 3
Marriage is for a long time, its a great blessing from God. Marriage is meant to be a breeding place for upcoming generation.
Love is a deep expression of care and commitment 1st John 4.
Life time is a duration of one life... Love should be life time
Marriage is a covenant between one man and one woman, created in God's image: Hebrew 13 vs 4. Marriage is an intimate union.
Once you break a marriage, you break life .
The purpose of marriage is to reveal the relationship between God the father, Son and Holy Spirit.
*Reasons For Marriage
1) Companionship.
2) Procreation of Godly children.
3) To avoid unwanted sex.
One of the major problem of marriage is the foundation. Another is disobedience. Another is based on pity.
Marry because of love.
*Things to do for a successful marriage.
1) A Christ centred home with Christ centred life.
2) Marriage is hard-work, God needs to be at the centre of your marriage .
Even the scripture told us all about marriage, Patents Patience, love and sex.
When you are far from God, you are far from your destiny.
Your home should be where the king of the universe abide.
3) Committed love, every relationship has ups and downs. But be committed.
The storm will come but you have to be strong and committed.
4) Patience
In conclusion; are you ready for the last marriage.. God awaits you.
Love for a life time by Pastor Joshua
Reviewed by RCCG Strongtower
Sunday, September 03, 2017

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