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Digging Deep


Text: John 3 vs 22-31
says he that cometh from above, is above all
God introduced himself as I am, I am in all situations, I am in all finances, and all case: Ephesians 3 vs 20-21,4 vs 4-6,5-6, Deuteronomy 4 , Genesis  17 vs 1

He is great in everything, He is sufficient, we must be proud of Him, there are gods you carry in a boot and can’t show outside, but yet our God carries us, he cares for us, he is older than the oldest, Ecclesiastes 5 vs 8, he is higher than the highest, above all situation.
Exodus 15 vs 11- 18, our God is incomparable, we need to keep reminding ourselves about the all mightiness of God, how great he is, we don’t need to belittle him, for some people because they experience delay, they begin to forget who God is. God is always the best with his time, Exodus 5 vs 1-2, what is questioning the potency of your God, yet they will succour to the almighty God, Psalm 42 vs 3.
Who is your God? John 3 vs 31, he above all, above wealth, situation, what a might God, psalm 66 vs 11,  every other power is counterfeit, Luke 10 vs 19, Exodus 14 vs 21-22, God is a construction engineer, God was the first gynaecologist in the bible, Psalm 68 vs 1, when God arises enemies scatter, Jeremiah 32 vs 17, 2kings 5, God cures the incurable diseases, John 5 vs 1-9, God changes No to Yes, with God rejection can be acceptance, 1st kings 17.

God is a solver of problem. 2nd kings 13 vs 20-21, God turn things around for good, with God your case is not hopeless. When God steps in your issues you rise in progress, Genesis 7, Genesis 8 vs 4, our God is a God of figures and under the figures, figure 7 means perfections, 7 symbolizes rest, rest means peace of mind, release from insult and sadness, figure 7 is also associated with miracle. Figure 7 symbolizes the rainbow Genesis 9 vs 11-16, which symbolizes a covenant.
Jesus made 7 statement on the cross, the 7th statement was it is FINISHED.

Poverty, unemployment, sadness, bareness, or any negativity can’t finish you, Genesis 30 vs 1, Philippians 2 vs 9, Ephesians 3 vs 20, 1st Peter 5 vs 10.
LORD OVER ALL BY PASTOR BROWN OYISTO Reviewed by RCCG Strongtower on Saturday, August 12, 2017 Rating: 5

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