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Digging Deep

No feebleness by Dcn Tomi Oyatoye

Dcn Tomi

No feebleness

2nd kings 19 vs 1-5

Always ask God for strength, most of the challenges we face might expose your weakness but no feeble needs.

Isiah 37 vs 1-5

Entering into Gods rest requires strength. To be feeble is to be wasted, like lacking all strength to accomplishing all you need, to be feeble is to fail. Proverbs 24 vs 10. To be feeble is to faint, but God can renew your strength.

---What happens when you are feeble

1. The person is in trouble.

2. The individual get expose to shame and disgrace. The enemies can choose to disgrace or embarrass you... But with God strength you can be settled .

3. The person becomes open to the attack of the enemies. 2nd kings 18 vs 16.

----What areas can a man be feeble.

1. Finances

2. In their mind

3. In their health: act3

4: one can be feeble spiritually

Rabbi Service

No feebleness by Dcn Tomi Oyatoye Reviewed by RCCG Strongtower on Sunday, July 09, 2017 Rating: 5

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