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Digging Deep


Digging Deep
Minister: Pastor Joshua Olaleye


The world is not a bed of roses. There are hills as well as valleys, bright day and dark night. We all live   in this same world, whether as sinners or saints. But there are certain difference between sinners and saints, particular as to how each one passes through his/her storm. PS. 112:4 tells us so. May Lord quicken our understanding as we study this verse today in Jesus, name. Amen

1. The Saint Will Receive Light In His Moment of Darkness, Sinners May Not

To everyone there are days of darkness, saints and sinners alike. The word of God established that fact. However for the saint, there is an assurance that even in the dark hour they will receive light. That light comes from God Himself who had promised that; He will not allow any darkness to swallow us up. But for sinners, it is different story altogether. 2Tim. 3:12; John 16:33; Isiaih 43:2, Mic 7:8; Ps. 84:11; Pro 4:18-19; PS. 27:1; PS 23:4 1Cor. 10:13; John 8:12; Mal 4:2; Pro 2:8

2. You Can Bring Light To Those In Darkness And You Must

Saints not only receive light from above but they themselves are the lights of the world. Therefore, they can bring light might be taken away from them.

Isiaih 9:2; Mat. 5:14-16; Isiaih 60:3; Acts. 13:47; Isiaih 60:1; Rom 10:11-14; John 15:1-2; Rev. 2:5

 *Questions from today's Digging Deep*

-What is darkness? 

-As a Christian, are we to go through darkness?

1. What is darkness

Darkness doesn't necessary mean being in the dark when there is no light. Darkness means been in poverty , challenges, trials and pains... Darkness is looked from the angle of what people face.

2. Yes, christian go through darkness because God didn't promise all would be smooth but He said he would be there for us. According to today's ministration, there are something's like environmental challenges that unbelievers face that christian also must face

LlGHT IN THE DARKNESS (Digging Deep) Reviewed by RCCG Strongtower on Tuesday, May 16, 2017 Rating: 5

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