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DIVINE BAILOUT by Bro Wole Adewuyi

Preachers: Min Wole Adewuyi
Text: Exodus3:7-8
We all need bailout in different areas of our lives. We must understand that there is a captor desiring to take us into captivity. It takes the divine intervention of God to access our bailout.
The word divine means : Godly, Celestial – lacking human intervention and capacity.
Bailout – To rescue and come to the aid of someone.  There is also always need for a surety for a bailout.
God can see all we are going through, as Jesus is moved by our infirmities (Hen4:15).
Those who needs to be bailed out
1.The Sick -John2:2-9
2. The Captive – Isaiah49:24-25
3. The Barren – Gen30:22
4. Untimely Death – Luke7: 11-15
5. Debtors - 2Kings4:1-7
Agent of Bailout
1.Word of God. Psalm107:20
2.Angels Acts2:9-10
3.Prophets Exodus3
4.Blood of Jesus Zech9:11
5.Name of Jesus Phil2:9-10.
DIVINE BAILOUT by Bro Wole Adewuyi Reviewed by RCCG Strongtower on Sunday, May 14, 2017 Rating: 5

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