What makeover will do for Nigerian Youths
Please tell us!
#Makeupisgood #Makeupisbad #Dowithoutmakeup #Dowithmakeup #Ilovemakeup #Ilovenaturalgirls
GUYS: Do you prefer your spouse to be on her natural face or makeup and why? LADIES: Do you prefer to be on facial makeup or to go natural? TELL US: #makeupisgood #makeupisbad #Dowithoutmakeup #Doingmakeup #Unilag #FCE #Beautifulgirls
GUYS: Do you prefer your spouse to be on her natural face or makeup and why? LADIES: Do you prefer to be on facial makeup or to go natural? TELL US: #makeupisgood #makeupisbad #Dowithoutmakeup #Doingmakeup #Unilag #FCE #Beautifulgirls
What makeover will do for Nigerian Youths
Reviewed by RCCG Strongtower
Friday, July 04, 2014

Moderation is Key for me. Excessive make up is a turn off for me. If the makeup is moderate. then that is very fine.