The reality of lady's make-up
Do you agree some ladies can be very horrible underneath their make-up. Don't you think this is deceitful . If you agree to this, kindly leave your comments and views in this format by twitting us @STRONGTOWERRCCG with the hastag #dowithoutmakeup e.g "girls should #dowithoutmakeup bcos this is extremely deceptive (also on facebook:[strongtoweryouths"
Twit us and facebook us with answers to this questions
Do you prefer women with or without makeup?
Ladies: Are you the same without it?
Why are some women so dependent on makeup?
Is it healthy?
Where do I draw the line?
Is it impersonation/deception?
Join the trend on twitter #dowithoutmakeup #makeupisgoog #strongtoweryouths
Remember to @strongtowerrccg and like
The reality of lady's make-up
Reviewed by RCCG Strongtower
Monday, July 07, 2014

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