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Palm Sunday Sermon With Zonal Pastor Joshua Olaleye on this Day, 24th March 2013

Sunday Sermon
Topic: Tied To His Will

Ref: Mark 11:1-11, Matt 21:1-11

Host Minister:Pst Joshua Olaleye

Jesus made a triumphant entry

Why is it a triumphant entry?
1. That was the first place Jesus revealed himself as the King of Kings
2. It was an entry into a place of destiny fulfillment. He entered into Jerusalem triumphantly as it symbolizes entering into His place of destiny fulfillment
3. He entered triumphantly because of the mightiness of His name
4. This colt was tied to his destiny despite several decision on which way to go
5. Jesus spoke to this colt because He knew the end from the beginning
6. Jesus chose the right colt to ride on. God will choose you in Jesus name
7. The colt was decorated. There's no way God will choose you and your life won't be decorated

The moment Jesus Christ left the colt, it was not reckoned with anymore. What makes us relevant is Jesus riding on us. The moment Jesus leaves our left we won't be a force to reckon with. Jesus will not leave our lives in Jesus name
Mark 11:5: Some people lives have been tied down by their enemies, but when Jesus sets you free, your glory begins to shine
Isaiah 49:25: Despite the eyes watching over the tied colt, the authority of Jesus through his word set the captives free

ConclusionMark 11:2
For some people, nothing good has ever come out of their lives. The reason is because you are special e.g. Sarah-Isaac, Hannah-Samuel, Elizabeth-John the Baptist. The Lord is need of you because He want to showcase you the world. It is your time to ride into glory

Palm Sunday Sermon With Zonal Pastor Joshua Olaleye on this Day, 24th March 2013 Reviewed by RCCG Strongtower on Sunday, March 24, 2013 Rating: 5

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