Youth Service Ministration With Sis Mary
Topic:Brand and Branding
Ref:Acts 4:13
Sis Mary
TEXT: ACTS 4: 13
Brand is the name, term, design, symbol or any other feature that
identifies one seller’s good or service as distinct from others. It
refers to the practice of producers burning their mark (or brand) onto
their product. In those days, cows and slaves were branded for easy
It could also mean a mark of disgrace or stigma.
In relation to Christendom, we have been branded by Christ, even as Paul declared in Galatians 6:17 therefore we have been set up for every good work.
There are nine (9) characteristics of a good brand even as there are nine (9) fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5: 22-23);
1. Different Love Now, saw
2. Authentic Joy Boldness
3. Attractive Peace Perceived
4. Dependable Patience Unlearned
5. Clear Kindness Ignorant
6. Loved Goodness Marveled
7. Worthy Faithfulness Took knowledge
8. Accountable Gentleness Had been
9. Valuable Self control With Jesus
*Time spent in the presence of God and in His Word (Jesus) marks you as a brand to be reckoned with!
Examples of men and women of old abound in the Bible who had been branded by us for the sake of being reminded of how well they walked with God, and how we might emulate their faith:
Abraham the father of many nations, Deborah the prophetess, David the man after God’s heart, Rahab the prostitute with great faith, Solomon the wisest king that ever lived, Daniel with an excellent spirit, Esther the queen, John the beloved, Judas the betrayer, Mary the mother of Jesus etc
It is important because you need to know where you stand in the minds of people even as Jesus had to be sure by asking His disciples in Acts 4:13 and you get a chance to re-evaluate yourself often and know where you belong and know what you’re doing right or wrong and to work on your weaknesses and strengths.
Thus, you’ll also be able to determine if you’re a STRONG brand: a brand that influences its target audience and works over time to engage those who may not have been targeted at all or a SUCCESSFUL brand that self-promotes, stimulates a unique experience, breathes and breeds loyalty and offers consistency in the quality of service it offers.
It is also important to brand yourself because:
* It keeps you current in your chosen field, and makes you an expert.
* It opens door because it is more than who you are. It is what you offer.
* It creates a lasting impression, memorable force.
* You’ll have control over people’s initial perception because if you don’t brand yourself, some else will.
* You can stand above the rest.
* You’ll build trust and recognition. What you have to offer (e.g your strategy in the work place) brings about trust which is the foundation of every relationship, even a relationship with yourself because you trust yourself enough to know that there are certain things that you cannot be associated with.
HOW DO WE GO ABOUT BRANDING OURSELVES? (Romans 12:2, Proverbs 23: 7, Philippians 4:8)
Answer 1: We must guard our hearts with all diligence; Proverbs 4: 23 because your actions will always align with what your mind focuses on thus bringing about results that could be commended or condemned.
A quote from the book, As A Man Thinketh by James Allen says, “Every action and feeling is preceded by a thought” and this is back up by James 1: 14-15. Therefore we admonished to “see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil”. It is a process that always has a result if not watched as we are advised in Proverbs 4:23. We first “see” by either deliberately looking for or at (Matthew 5:28), then we “hear” with itching ears as in 2Timothy 4:3 or by faith as in Romans 10:17. These two (2) important, determining steps always lead to a “doing” which is also evident (example, Eve and the serpent in the Garden of Eden, Genesis 3:6)
In Acts 4: 13 - 21, if Peter and John and didn’t spend time with Jesus, thus manifesting the fruit of the Spirit (the same Jesus operated with), they would not have had the impact they did on the Sanhedrin Council, and as such they were “above the law” (Galatians 5:23b) what we expose our minds and senses to, is important.
Answer 2: No opportunity should be lost or taken for granted: Cash in on it!
Nothing Jesus was involved in was ever trivial. All His actions had significance; in other words, His actions were clear/focused, valuable and as such memorable. He was original by His actions comprising works of mercy, forgiveness and healing, thus differentiating Him from other prophets of old to whom He had been compared.
Summary: As Jesus is in this world, so are we … (Ephesians 2:10, 1John 4:17, Colossians 2: 9-10)
Ref:Acts 4:13
Sis Mary
TEXT: ACTS 4: 13

It could also mean a mark of disgrace or stigma.
In relation to Christendom, we have been branded by Christ, even as Paul declared in Galatians 6:17 therefore we have been set up for every good work.
There are nine (9) characteristics of a good brand even as there are nine (9) fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5: 22-23);
1. Different Love Now, saw
2. Authentic Joy Boldness
3. Attractive Peace Perceived
4. Dependable Patience Unlearned
5. Clear Kindness Ignorant
6. Loved Goodness Marveled
7. Worthy Faithfulness Took knowledge
8. Accountable Gentleness Had been
9. Valuable Self control With Jesus
*Time spent in the presence of God and in His Word (Jesus) marks you as a brand to be reckoned with!
Examples of men and women of old abound in the Bible who had been branded by us for the sake of being reminded of how well they walked with God, and how we might emulate their faith:
Abraham the father of many nations, Deborah the prophetess, David the man after God’s heart, Rahab the prostitute with great faith, Solomon the wisest king that ever lived, Daniel with an excellent spirit, Esther the queen, John the beloved, Judas the betrayer, Mary the mother of Jesus etc
It is important because you need to know where you stand in the minds of people even as Jesus had to be sure by asking His disciples in Acts 4:13 and you get a chance to re-evaluate yourself often and know where you belong and know what you’re doing right or wrong and to work on your weaknesses and strengths.
Thus, you’ll also be able to determine if you’re a STRONG brand: a brand that influences its target audience and works over time to engage those who may not have been targeted at all or a SUCCESSFUL brand that self-promotes, stimulates a unique experience, breathes and breeds loyalty and offers consistency in the quality of service it offers.
It is also important to brand yourself because:
* It keeps you current in your chosen field, and makes you an expert.
* It opens door because it is more than who you are. It is what you offer.
* It creates a lasting impression, memorable force.
* You’ll have control over people’s initial perception because if you don’t brand yourself, some else will.
* You can stand above the rest.
* You’ll build trust and recognition. What you have to offer (e.g your strategy in the work place) brings about trust which is the foundation of every relationship, even a relationship with yourself because you trust yourself enough to know that there are certain things that you cannot be associated with.
HOW DO WE GO ABOUT BRANDING OURSELVES? (Romans 12:2, Proverbs 23: 7, Philippians 4:8)
Answer 1: We must guard our hearts with all diligence; Proverbs 4: 23 because your actions will always align with what your mind focuses on thus bringing about results that could be commended or condemned.
A quote from the book, As A Man Thinketh by James Allen says, “Every action and feeling is preceded by a thought” and this is back up by James 1: 14-15. Therefore we admonished to “see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil”. It is a process that always has a result if not watched as we are advised in Proverbs 4:23. We first “see” by either deliberately looking for or at (Matthew 5:28), then we “hear” with itching ears as in 2Timothy 4:3 or by faith as in Romans 10:17. These two (2) important, determining steps always lead to a “doing” which is also evident (example, Eve and the serpent in the Garden of Eden, Genesis 3:6)
In Acts 4: 13 - 21, if Peter and John and didn’t spend time with Jesus, thus manifesting the fruit of the Spirit (the same Jesus operated with), they would not have had the impact they did on the Sanhedrin Council, and as such they were “above the law” (Galatians 5:23b) what we expose our minds and senses to, is important.
Answer 2: No opportunity should be lost or taken for granted: Cash in on it!
Nothing Jesus was involved in was ever trivial. All His actions had significance; in other words, His actions were clear/focused, valuable and as such memorable. He was original by His actions comprising works of mercy, forgiveness and healing, thus differentiating Him from other prophets of old to whom He had been compared.
Summary: As Jesus is in this world, so are we … (Ephesians 2:10, 1John 4:17, Colossians 2: 9-10)
Youth Service Ministration With Sis Mary
Reviewed by RCCG Strongtower
Sunday, February 17, 2013

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