My Month Of Uncommon Harvest
Harvest responds primarily to seed - Mk. 4:14ff, 26ff; Ecc. 11:1ff.
You don’t primarily pray or praise for a harvest neither do you primarily fast or beg for it.
Harvest is simply the product of God and man working together in the "great exchange".
Man brings/plants the seed while God brings/gives the harvest - Mk. 4:26ff; 1 Cor. 3:6ff.
The harvest is, God exchanging His provision of man’s need (the harvest) for man’s seed.
God being God is the supplier of man’s needs - Phil. 4:19.
He is also the giver of seed to man - 2 Cor. 9:8; Is. 55:10.
However God cannot take on the role of sowing seed for man, He has given man that responsibility.
Every person (God included) is called upon to apply the greatest principle of "seed-time and harvest" to meet or provide for their needs - Gen. 8:22; Mk.4:14ff.
If God had to sow to meet or provide for "His needs", what makes you think you’ll be able to successfully do it any other way - Is. 53:10ff; Gal. 4:4?
In God’s infinite mercy He has freed man from the responsibility of supplying his own need and also from the responsibility of creating the seed to meet that need - Is. 55:10; 2 Cor. 9:10.
However He hasn’t freed any man from having to sow the seeds He gave them to sow - Gal. 6:7.
He is more interested in you sowing seed than He is in you eating your daily bread - Job 23:12; Is. 55:10; 2Cor. 9:6ff.
Your seed is your point of contact to unlock the provisions of God - Mk. 4:26-32.
Sowing and reaping is the primary principle God established from the beginning to produce increase on the earth - Gen. 1:11; 20ff.
It was not designed as a response to the fall of man but as a key to prevent man from falling and to showcase God’s love and blessing upon man.
It was in place before man fell.
This is why it was emphasized following the deluge in Noah’s life time - Gen. 8:22.
It was God’s way of saying ¡§the curse cannot overcome you - Gen. 8:20-22.
You can reverse any curse by applying the seed principle - Matt. 12:33ff.
Through this principle you can have increase in any area where you¡¦re lacking.
To have uncommon harvest you need to sow an uncommon seed - 2 Cor. 9:6; Gal. 6:7.
1. Simply By The Size - When it is bigger than usual.
David, as he sowed towards the Tabernacle and after the returning of the Ark of covenant - 1Chron.29:1ff; 2 Sam. 6:13.
Zacchaesus following his deliverance - Lk. 19:8.
Jesus encouraged us to sow big for the advancement of God’s kingdom - Mk.10:29ff.
This is usually as a mark of respect to God e.g Solomon in 1 Kgs. 8:62ff.
What you respect (not what you love) you will attract.
Love is an expression of desire while respect is an expression of value.
People only respect other people or things they value.
2. Simply For Promotion Or A New Anointing.
It sets the stage for the release of favour.
The account of Isaac, Esau & Jacob - Gen. 27:1ff.
Children of Israel, when God asked them to build the Tabernacle - Ex. 35.
Queen of Sheba, when she gave to Solomon - 1 Kgs. 10:1ff.
Shunamite woman, when she gave to Elisha 2 Kgs. 4:8ff.
Believers giving to their leaders for the Prophet’s Reward - 1 Thess. 5:12ff; Matt. 10:40ff.
This opens the door to a release of greater blessings.
3. When You Are In A Crisis.
It is characterized by sacrificial
You don’t primarily pray or praise for a harvest neither do you primarily fast or beg for it.
Harvest is simply the product of God and man working together in the "great exchange".
Man brings/plants the seed while God brings/gives the harvest - Mk. 4:26ff; 1 Cor. 3:6ff.
The harvest is, God exchanging His provision of man’s need (the harvest) for man’s seed.
God being God is the supplier of man’s needs - Phil. 4:19.
He is also the giver of seed to man - 2 Cor. 9:8; Is. 55:10.
However God cannot take on the role of sowing seed for man, He has given man that responsibility.
Every person (God included) is called upon to apply the greatest principle of "seed-time and harvest" to meet or provide for their needs - Gen. 8:22; Mk.4:14ff.
If God had to sow to meet or provide for "His needs", what makes you think you’ll be able to successfully do it any other way - Is. 53:10ff; Gal. 4:4?
In God’s infinite mercy He has freed man from the responsibility of supplying his own need and also from the responsibility of creating the seed to meet that need - Is. 55:10; 2 Cor. 9:10.
However He hasn’t freed any man from having to sow the seeds He gave them to sow - Gal. 6:7.
He is more interested in you sowing seed than He is in you eating your daily bread - Job 23:12; Is. 55:10; 2Cor. 9:6ff.
Your seed is your point of contact to unlock the provisions of God - Mk. 4:26-32.
Sowing and reaping is the primary principle God established from the beginning to produce increase on the earth - Gen. 1:11; 20ff.
It was not designed as a response to the fall of man but as a key to prevent man from falling and to showcase God’s love and blessing upon man.
It was in place before man fell.
This is why it was emphasized following the deluge in Noah’s life time - Gen. 8:22.
It was God’s way of saying ¡§the curse cannot overcome you - Gen. 8:20-22.
You can reverse any curse by applying the seed principle - Matt. 12:33ff.
Through this principle you can have increase in any area where you¡¦re lacking.
To have uncommon harvest you need to sow an uncommon seed - 2 Cor. 9:6; Gal. 6:7.
1. Simply By The Size - When it is bigger than usual.
David, as he sowed towards the Tabernacle and after the returning of the Ark of covenant - 1Chron.29:1ff; 2 Sam. 6:13.
Zacchaesus following his deliverance - Lk. 19:8.
Jesus encouraged us to sow big for the advancement of God’s kingdom - Mk.10:29ff.
This is usually as a mark of respect to God e.g Solomon in 1 Kgs. 8:62ff.
What you respect (not what you love) you will attract.
Love is an expression of desire while respect is an expression of value.
People only respect other people or things they value.
2. Simply For Promotion Or A New Anointing.
It sets the stage for the release of favour.
The account of Isaac, Esau & Jacob - Gen. 27:1ff.
Children of Israel, when God asked them to build the Tabernacle - Ex. 35.
Queen of Sheba, when she gave to Solomon - 1 Kgs. 10:1ff.
Shunamite woman, when she gave to Elisha 2 Kgs. 4:8ff.
Believers giving to their leaders for the Prophet’s Reward - 1 Thess. 5:12ff; Matt. 10:40ff.
This opens the door to a release of greater blessings.
3. When You Are In A Crisis.
It is characterized by sacrificial
Bishop David Ibeleme
My Month Of Uncommon Harvest
Reviewed by RCCG Strongtower
Monday, October 01, 2012

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